
������    reserved land
���н�    pedestrian street
�ִ���    warehouse district
�ִ��õ�  warehouse land
�������� city
����� urban layout
��������� urban road area ratio
������ urban road network
���е�·���ܶ� density of urban road network
���е�·ϵͳ urban road system
���ж��⽻ͨ intercity transportation
���з�չ���� direction for urban development
���з�չĿ�� goal for urban development
���з�չս�� strategy for urban development
����� urban flood control
���з����׼ flood control standard
���з��鹤�� flood control works
����� urban air defense
����� urban disaster prevention
����� earthquake hazard protection
���и�ˮ water supply
���и�ˮ���� water supply engineering
���и�ˮϵͳ water supply system
���й��̹����ۺ� integrated design for utilities pipelines
���й��ܷ��� functional districts
���й����Դ power source
���й���ϵͳ power supply system
���й���ϵͳ district heating system
���й滮 urban planning
���й滮���� legislation on urban planning
���й滮���� urban planning administration
���й滮������� urban planning and development control
���й滮�� urban planning area
���й滮�õع��� urban planning land use administration
���й�ģ city size
���л� urbanization
���л�ˮƽ urbanization level
��������� city environmental protection
���л�����Ⱦ city environmental pollution
��������� city environmental quality
������������� city environmental quality assessment
���л�����ʩ urban infrastructure
������ district heating
������� urban built-up area
���н�ͨ urban transportation
���н�ͨԤ�� urban transportation forecast
���нṹ urban structure
�����̵�ϵͳ urban green space system
�����̻� urban afforestation
������ˮ sewerage
������ˮ���� sewerage engineering
������ˮϵͳ sewerage system
����Ⱥ agglomeration
����ȼ�� gas
����ȼ����Ӧϵͳ gas supply system
�����˿ڻ�е������ mechanical growth rate of population
�����˿ڽṹ urban population structure
�����˿����乹�� age composition
�����˿�Ԥ�� urban population forecast
�����˿����� urban population growth
�����˿������� urban population growth rate
�����˿���Ȼ������ natural growth rate
������� urban design
������̬ƽ�� balance of city ecosystem
������̬ϵͳ city ecosystem
����ͨ�� communication
����ͨ��ϵͳ communication system
������ˮ sewage
������ϸ�滮 detailed plan
�������� urban fire control
������̬ urban morphology
�������� designated function of city
�����õ� urban land

unban planning                         ���й滮
town planning                           ����滮
act of urban planning                   ���й滮��
urban comprehensive planning            ��������滮
urban detailed planning                 ������ϸ�滮
Residentiral district detailed planning  �޽������
regulatory detailed planning             ���������
reginal planning                         ����滮
urban system planning                    ������ϵ�滮
urban sociology                          �������ѧ
urban economic                           ���о���ѧ
urban geograghy                          ���е���ѧ
urban infrastructure planning            ���л�����ʩ�滮
(water supply and drainage \electricity supply\road building)
urban road system and transportation planning    ���е�·ϵͳ�ͽ�ͨ�滮
urban road cross-section                         ���е�·�����
urban management information system              ���й�����Ϣϵͳ
GIS =geograghy information system                ������Ϣϵͳ
RS=remote sensing                                ң��
Gardening==Landscape architecture                ԰��=Ӫ�쾰��ѧ
Urban landscape planning and design              ���о��۹滮�����
Urban green space system planning                �����̵�ϵͳ�滮
Urban design                                     �������

��Land-use planning                                �������ù滮
The cultural and historic planning               ��ʷ�Ļ�����
Protection planning                              �����滮
Urbanization                                     ���л�
Suburbanization                                  ������
Public participation                             ���ڲ���
Sustainable development(sustainability)          �ɳ����Է�չ���ɳ����ԣ�
Over-all urban layout                            �������岼��
Pedestrian crossing                              ���к��
Human scale                                      ����ߴ�
   (sculpture  fountain   tea bar)                  �����ܡ���Ȫ����ɣ�
Traffic and parking                              ��ͨ��ͣ��
Landscape node                                   ���۽ڵ�

��Brief history of urban planning
Archaeological     ����ѧ��
Habitat            ס��
Aesthetics         ��ѧ
Geometrical        ����ѧ��
Moat               ���Ǻ�
Vehicles           ��������ͨ����
,mechanization      ��е��
merchant-trader     ���˽׼�
urban elements      ����Ҫ��
plazas              �㳡
malls               �����

��The city and region
Adaptable            ��Ӧ��ǿ��
Organic entity       �л���
Department stores    �ٻ��̵�
Opera                ���Ժ
Symphony             ��������
Cathedrals           ����
Density              �ܶ�
Circulation          ѭ��
Elimination of water  ˮ�����ʩ
In three dimensional form  ��ά��
Condemn                    Ǵ��
Rural area                 ũ�����
Regional planning agencies ����滮����
Service-oriented           �Է���Ϊ��ּ��
Frame of reference         �ο���׼
Distribute                 ����
Water area                 ˮ��
Alteration                  ���
Inhabitants                 ����
Motorway                    ���ٹ�·
Update                      ����
Abstract        ժҪ
Key words       �ؼ���
Reference       �ο�����

��Urban problem
Dimension        ��С
Descendant        ������
Luxury        �ݳ�
Dwelling        ס��
Edifices        ����Ⱥ
<Athens Charter>�ŵ�����
Residence     ��ס
Employment    ����
Recreation    ���
Swallow            ���ʣ�����
Urban fringes      ���б�Ե
Anti-   ǰ׺�����ԡ����ģ��磺antinuclear���˵� anticlockwise��ʱ���
Pro-     ǰ׺��֧�֣�ͬ�⡭���ģ��磺pro-American ������pro-education�ؽ�����

Grant    ��ѧ�𣬻���
Sewage   ��ˮ
Sewer    ��ˮ��
Sewage treatment plant ��ˮ����
Brain drain           �˲���ʧ
Drainage area         ��ˮ���
Traffic flow           ��ͨ��
Traffic concentration ��ͨ�ܶ�
Traffic control       ��ͨ����
Traffic bottleneck     ��ͨƿ���ض�
Traffic island         ��ͨ����ת�̣�
Traffic point city    ��ͨ��Ŧ����
Train-make-up         ����վ
Urban redevelopment    �ɳǸ���
Urban revitalization   ���и���

��Urban Function
Urban fabric    ���нṹ
Urban form      ��������
Warehouse        �ֿ�
Material processing center    ԭ�ϼӹ�����
Religious edifices            �ڽ̽���
Correctional institution      ����Ժ
Transportation interface      ��ͨ�ֽ���
CBD=central business district  ����������ҵ��
Public agencies of parking    ͣ�������������
Energy conservation           �� ��
Individual building           ��һ����
Mega-structures             ���ͽ���
Mega-        �󣬰���ǿ
Megalopolis  �ش����
Megaton      �����
R   residence       ��ס�õ�      ��ɫ
C   commercial      ��ҵ�õ�      ��ɫ
M   manufacture     ��ҵ�õ�      �Ϻ�ɫ
W   warehouse       �ִ��õ�      ��ɫ
T    transportation ��ͨ�õ�      ����ɫ
S    square         ��·�㳡�õ�  ���״���
U   utilities       ����������ʩ�õ�  �ӽ�����ɫ
G   green space     �̵�          ��ɫ
P    particular     �����õ�
E                   ˮ�������õ�
Corporate       ��˾�ģ����˵�
Corporation     ��˾��ҵ
Accessibility   �ɴ��ԣ��׽ӽ�
Service radius  ����뾶

��Urban landscape
Topography        ����ͼ
Well-matched      ��ƥ��
Visual landscape   �Ӿ�����
Visual environment �Ӿ�����
Visual landscape capacity �Ӿ���������
Tour industry    ����ҵ
Service industry ����ҵ
Relief road      ������·
Rural population �������
Roofline         �ݶ�������
�羰԰���Ĵ�Ҫ�أ�landscape plant

��Urban design
Nature reserve      ��Ȼ������
Civic enterprise    ������ҵ
Artery              �������ɵ������
Land developer      ���ؿ�����
Broad thorough-fare ���ɵ�

��Water supply and drainage
A water supply for a town   ���и�ˮϵͳ
Storage reservoir           ˮ�⣬��ˮ��
Distribution reservoir      ˮ�⣬��ˮ��
Distribution pipes          ��ˮ����
Water engineer              ��ˮ����ʦ
Distribution system         ��ˮϵͳ
Catchment area              ��ˮ���
Open channel                 ����
Sewerage system             ��ˮϵͳ����������
Separate                     ������
Combined                     ������
Rainfall                     ��ˮ
Domestic waste               ������ˮ
Industrical waste            ��ҵ��ˮ
Stream flow                  ��������
Runoff                       ����
Treatment plant              ����
Sub-main                    �θɹ�
Branch sewer                 ֧��
City water department        ���й�ˮ����

Spatial structure     �ռ�ת��
Labor force           �Ͷ���
Renewable             ������*
Biosphere             ����Ȧ
Planned cities
Blueprints            ��ͼ
License               ִ�գ����֤
Minerals               ����
Hydroelectric power source  ˮ����Դ
Monuments                ������
High-rise apartment          �߲㽨����
Lawn                 �ݵ�
Pavement             ���е�
Sidewalk             ���е�
Winding street        ���۵�·

��A view of Venice
Metropolis          ����
Construction work  ��������
Slums              ƽ���
Alleys             ���С��
Populate           ��ס
Gothic              ����ʽ
Renaissance         ���ո���ʽ
Baroque             �����ʽ

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